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Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Court Reporting
3095 Lexington Avenue
Suite 300
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Fax:(314) 644-1334
Cape Girardeau Image
Lexitas' Cape Girardeau office, formerly Alaris, offers three deposition conference rooms, with the largest seating up to 12 people with videoconferencing availability.

1 Small: Seating up to 4 people
1 Medium: Seating up to 8 people
1 Large: Seating up to 12 people with videoconferencing

We share a building with other office suites and we have a large parking lot, free of charge. There are two entrances/exits to the lot, not directly in front of the office. Often times the first one is passed by and people use the second entrance, located directly in front of the law firm Osburn Hine & Yates, right next door.

Come in through the main entrance

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