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About Us

At Lexitas our combined family of registered agent and corporate services companies provide a multitude of services including but not limited to:  
  • Business formation – We are very familiar with state guidelines and filing requirements and can prepare and file incorporation and formation documents for all entity types.
  • Corpliance - Online business management services offered through Corpliance range from basic account management features to our fully integrated web applications that ease the burden of corporate and regulation compliance, including tracking reporting deadlines, annual reports, and regulations and alerting users of deadlines, business records management, and business license management.
  • Preparation & Filing – We have years of experience in the preparation and filing of Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings nationwide, both at the state and local levels of government. Additionally, we have processed countless miscellaneous liens and real estate recordings.
  • Registered Agent Services - State statutes require companies to appoint and maintain a registered agent to represent the company in receiving legal documents served by consumers, businesses, employees and other parties. We are your partner in the handling of legal documents and in maintaining your business and compliance requirements.
  • Document retrieval – We obtain numerous document retrievals on a daily basis from local, state, federal, and even international recording offices/agencies. 

Family of Companies