Record Retrieval for Plaintiff Counsel
Get from intake to demand faster
Our dedicated plaintiff records staff work with plaintiff counsel specializing in high-volume personal injury; single-event catastrophic injury; mass tort; and class action cases.We understand that the needs of plaintiff counsel are highly specific, so our dedicated client service teams work with every client to ensure that their needs are met throughout the process.
Our approach to the record retrieval process is customized to the needs of each individual firm and case
For high-volume personal injury plaintiff firms who have standardized on a case management platform we offer an integrated Automated Records Collection service.
For plaintiff counsel specializing in single-event, large volume injury, mass tort and class action cases we offer a customized white-glove records retrieval solution.
We have worked multiple large dockets of pharmaceutical, product defect, asbestos and water contamination cases, among many others.

Automated Records Collection
Fast growing personal injury law firms face unique challenges. Our Automated Records Collection Group has created unmatched solutions unique to plaintiff law firms seeking to expand their practices.
Mass Tort & MDL
Lexitas has extensive record retrieval experience for complex MDL's and large volume cases.Custom medical record retrieval solution saves firm $250,000
When a firm acquired a large docket, it relied on Lexitas to prevent a costly bottleneck in case handling. Lexitas pinpointed the potential logjam and designed a custom solution to speed medical record retrieval and data entry.