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Outsourcing Your Commercial Contracts


Legal Talent Outsourcing

Tips to optimize your process, save money, and elevate your team

All corporate legal departments perform legal review of commercial contracts but the process is often tedious and laborious, and prevents in-house attorneys from being elevated to their highest and best use. Instead, they’re bogged down in the details of a seemingly endless stream of requests to review non-disclosure, procurement, licensing, and other commercial contracts.

This guide walks you through each of the elements of effective commercial contract management and review: Intake, Allocation, and Legal Review. It describes the differences between a highly structured and an ad hoc process. And it provokes you to think about the different ways in which you can improve your internal processes. Outsourcing commercial contract review can improve the performance of your department and free up the capabilities of your in-house team.
Author Image

Meron Hewis

President, Legal Talent Division

Meron Hewis is the President of the Legal Talent Outsourcing Division of Lexitas. Ms. Hewis has over 20 years of experience in legal consulting, project management, and alternative legal talent outsourcing solutions. She is a thought leader in the industry, providing unique legal solutions and designing the operations of various legal programs internationally.
