HIPAA-Compliant Safeguards
March 21, 2022
Record Retrieval
HIPAA-Compliant Safeguards for Your Record Retrieval Partners
To stay compliant, law firms should perform risk assessments to ensure their partners meet the standards required by HIPAA. As a requirement of the US Department of Health and Human Services HIPAA Privacy Rule, your service provider’s risk assessment must document the administrative, physical, and technical safeguards in place necessary for compliance. Review the following safeguards with your service provider to make sure they comply with the rules and regulations.
Administrative Safeguards
Ask your records retrieval provider if they:- Identify a security official who is responsible for implementing procedures to prevent security violations, including HIPAA privacy training
- Provide limited access to ePHI to authorized staff only along with security awareness training, e.g., how to set up multi-factor authentication processes, create strong passwords, escape email phishing attempts, address security breaches, etc.
- Outline procedures to identify, respond to, mitigate, and document a security incident and the resulting outcomeCreate emergency response plans for data backup and recovery
- Establish guidelines to handle disclosure of a data breach
HIPAA-Compliant Record Retrieval
Physical Safeguards
Ask your records retrieval provider if they:- Ensure all physical office spaces, networks, and data are securely locked
- Prevent unauthorized entry/exit of the premises, e.g., key fob, smart card, keyless entry systems
- Make sure staff is cautious about not leaving documents, computers, laptops, or mobile devices that contain ePHI unattended or in public view
Technical Safeguards
Ask your records retrieval provider if they:- Monitor access to systems that contain ePHI
- Encrypt data and employ password protection so that PHI is securely created, stored, and transmitted
- Use software that tracks ePHI system activity
Related Resources

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Understanding HIPAA Compliance For Law Firms
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