Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Record Retrieval
4940 Disston Street
Philadelphia, PA 19135
Phone:(215) 335-3212
Fax:(215) 338-2980

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Record Retrieval Services
Looking for help with your medical and legal discovery process? Are you tired of dealing with healthcare providers for medical record retrieval? Law firms and insurance companies have depended on our national and international services for nearly 40 years.
Legal Services
Medical Services
MLR, now Lexitas, offers an efficient and inexpensive subpoena service for record depositions during discovery. All subpoenas are prepared and issued in accordance with the rules of the presiding court. Written notice is sent to all counsel enclosing copies of the subpoena(s). As requesting counsel, your office will receive a letter confirming receipt of your order along with file copies of the subpoenas issued. We will also take care of filing documents with the court when required. Subpoenas are served on the Record Custodian and arrangements are made to collect the requested materials.Plaintiff/Claimant Authorization
An authorization is a document consenting to the release of personal information. Upon receipt of a signed, HIPAA-compliant authorization, Lexitas will contact the record custodian to determine the availability of the desired information. Our customer service representatives will proceed to make arrangements to obtain the requested documents. If an authorization is not available, Lexitas will contact counsel directly to secure a signature on our HIPAA-compliant Authorization Form.