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CLM Annual Conference 2022 at Marriott

The 2022 Annual Conference promises to electrify you and re-ignite your passion for a fulfilling career in claims resolution and litigation management. Gather with colleagues in Coachella Valley to experience all the best of the CLM way of networking with some decidedly amped up twists. Each of us contributes to the power of CLM every day, but especially at our Annual Conference, through:

  • Community — you belong here at the largest gathering of claims professionals and litigation managers
  • Inclusivity — everyone has a voice and an open seat at the table from the sessions to the sensational networking events
  • Knowledge — cutting-edge programming curated and crafted by industry insiders to answer your current challenges
  • March, 23, 2022
  • 05:00 PM - 12:00 PM
  • JW Marriott Desert Springs, 74-855 Country Club Drive Palm Desert, California